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The Gates Of Slumber Conqueror R: A Review of the Doom Metal Masterpiece


I hope your days are so very kind / and your stars bring love to you. / May all your wishes have reality / and your skies are always blue. / Your days will be so many / for life is so very long. / But as I go shed no tears / and sing no good-bye song. / Time to open those golden gates / and walk those timeless stairs. / Let me hold all your sorrows / and give me all your fears. / Make me no hero / nor a page in a history book. / Build me no statues of glory / for all the future to look. / Farewell my friends, / my time has ended, you know. / Be good, but be happy / with peace and love as I go.

The Gates Of Slumber Conqueror R

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.

And perhaps that is a real possibility. Perhaps some of them, so broken, without his oratory, might change their minds? Satan now piles terror, scorn and humiliation on his listeners. The conqueror, he says

Let us pray.God, source of irresistible might and king of an invincible realm, the ever-glorious conqueror; who restrain the force of the adversary, silencing the uproar of his rage, and valiantly subduing his wickedness; in awe and humility we beg you, Lord, to regard with favor this creature thing of salt and water, to let the light of your kindness shine upon it, and to hallow it with the dew of your mercy; so that wherever it is sprinkled and your holy name is invoked, every assault of the unclean spirit may be baffled, and all dread of the serpent's venom be cast out. To us who entreat your mercy grant that the Holy Spirit may be with us wherever we may be; through Christ our Lord.All: Amen.

In the name of our Lord Jesus + Christ and by His power, we cast you out, every unclean spirit, every devilish power, every assault of the infernal adversary, every legion, every diabolical group and sect; begone and stay far from the Church of God, from all who are made in the image of God and redeemed by the precious blood of the divine + Lamb. Never again dare, you cunning serpent, to deceive the human race, to persecute the Church of God, nor to strike the chosen of God and to sift them as + wheat. For it is the Most High God who commands you, + He to whom you heretofore in your great pride considered yourself equal; He who desires that all men might be saved and come to the knowledge of truth. God the Father + commands you. God the Son + commands you. God the Holy + Spirit commands you. The majesty of Christ, the eternal Word of God made flesh + commands you; He who for the salvation of our race, the race that was lost through your envy, humbled Himself and became obedient even unto death; He who built His Church upon a solid rock, and proclaimed that the gates of hell should never prevail against her, and that He would remain with her all days, even to the end of the world. The sacred mystery of the cross + commands you, as well as the power of all the mysteries of Christian faith. The exalted Virgin Mary, Mother of God + commands you, who in her lowliness crushed your proud head from the first moment of her Immaculate Conception. The faith of the holy apostles Peter and Paul and the other apostles + commands you. The blood of the martyrs and the devout intercession of all holy men and women commands you.

Let us pray.Lord Jesus Christ, whose Church is like a well ordered battle-array, bless + this banner; and grant that all who fight under this standard for your sake, O Lord God, may by the prayers of St. N. overcome their visible and invisible enemies in this life, and after this victory come as conquerors to the kingdom of heaven. We ask this through you, Jesus Christ, who live and reign with God the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever.All: Amen.

Antiphon 1: The multitude, carrying flowers and palms, goes out to meet the Redeemer, paying Him homage worthy of a triumphant conqueror. The people proclaim the Son of God, praising Christ with voices echoing to the skies: "Hosanna in high heaven."

We cast you out, every unclean spirit, every satanic power, every onslaught of the infernal adversary, every legion, every diabolical group and sect, in the name and by the power of our Lord Jesus + Christ. We command you, begone and fly far from the Church of God, from the souls made by God in His image and redeemed by the precious blood of the divine Lamb. + No longer dare, cunning serpent, to deceive the human race, to persecute God's Church, to strike God's elect and to sift them as wheat. + For the Most High God commands you, + He to whom you once proudly presumed yourself equal; He who wills all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth. God the Father + commands you. God the Son + commands you. God the Holy + Spirit commands you. Christ, the eternal Word of God made flesh, commands you, who humbled Himself, becoming obedient even unto death, to save our race from the perdition wrought by your envy; who founded His Church upon a firm rock, declaring that the gates of hell should never prevail against her, and that He would remain with her all days, even to the end of the world. The sacred mystery of the cross + commands you, along with the power of all mysteries of Christian faith. + The exalted Virgin Mary, Mother of God, + commands you, who in her lowliness crushed your proud head from the first moment of her Immaculate Conception. The faith of the holy apostles Peter and Paul and the other apostles + commands you. The blood of martyrs and the devout prayers of all holy men and women command + you.

During her days as an intergalactic evil witch, Rita Repulsa was a diabolical yet bad-tempered and unpleasant leader of her band of space aliens who speak in screechy voice akin to storybook witches. Whenever her latest plan got foiled by the Rangers, she either cried out "I have a headache!" dismay or prone to take her frustration out on her underlings, or even both even if they had absolutely nothing to do with what went wrong. Her most recurring victim of this abuse was Goldar which was evident in that he gladly switched sides with Lord Zedd out of his abuse and regretted the idea of brainwashing Kimberly to be an evil queen like her where she ended up behaved like Rita herself though the spell he used for latter deed technically only give her Rita's outfit and she successfully pretended to behave like real Rita. Even in her youth, she set her own home ablaze just because she received a dragon instead of a planet like she wanted for her birthday as stated by Rito. Rita genuinely loved her brother and father Master Vile and sought to become an accomplished evil conqueror just like the latter. This motivated her in her fight against Zordon and later, his Power Rangers despite of them foiled her plans time and time again. Not even being sealed into a dumpster twice, first by Zordon and by her superior Lord Zedd, can extinguish her resolve. Although, after her superior overthrow her and took over her band in the light of her recurring failures, Rita initially planned to overthrow Lord Zedd as she wanted payback towards him by using a love potion on him to make him fall in love and marry her. However, Rita changed her mind as Lord Zedd touched her heart and made her feelings towards him real. Their ability to feel love was arguably one of the reasons why she and Zedd ended up purified by Zordon's Energy Wave.

Although Rita in the comics isn't written as jokey and over the top as her television counterpart, she will not tolerate war crimes unless someone forces her hand as can be derided from the incident with Montaur. Rita is undeniably evil but she is a world conqueror, not a destroyer and seems to be aware that war crimes tend to unite people against a common enemy and she would be heavily outnumbered should the Breel decide to rise up. It's even implied that the only reason she actually won in the invasion was because she only killed those resisting her (the warriors) and left the civilians who just wanted to exist peacefully alone besides occupation. She only actually attempts to destroy the Power Rangers as they are in direct opposition to her, even giving them a chance to join her in Go Go Power Rangers Issue 1. The comics also convey that Rita was a good and kind person as a child as she helped heal the Phantom Ranger with her mother and her upbringing by Master Vile was partially the factor of what turned her evil, as her father was manipulative and at times abusive to his daughter.

When I unclosed my eyes, I thought myself among the fiends of hell; andfeeling for my crucifix, I found myself wrapped in many folds of finecloth, in which I was firmly but gently bound. As my senses graduallyreturned, I began to note the things about me. The apartment seemed along, dark cavern, whose limits I could not distinguish, lighted by a fireat the farther extremity, round which half clothed, swarthy figures wereengaged in roasting pieces of flesh. Others of the same appearance wereseated upon mats, with a cloth spread before them upon the ground, cuttingthe meat with long, crooked knives, or tearing it with their white pointedteeth, with savage voracity. Apart from the rest, seated upon an elevatedcushion with his legs crossed, was a tall, strong-built man, with hair andbeard white as snow, hanging over his shoulders, and down to his breast.He took no part with the revellers, but seemed to control by his looktheir wild, gibbering talk, to the end that it might not disturb myslumbers; for through excessive faintness, I seemed only to exist betweensleeping and[Pg 60] waking. His regards were fixed upon me, and his appearancerecalled a dim recollection which I was vainly striving to trace, when ata word from him, the whole band disappeared behind an angle in the wall.The old man then lighted a torch and approached me, carefully removed thebandage from my head, anointed my wound with sweet-smelling balm, and gaveme to drink of a fiery liquid, which spread like an elixir through myveins, and seemed instantly to reanimate me. With a smile at my puzzledlook, he plucked away the false beard and hair, and revealed to myastonished sight, the swarthy countenance of Hardrager. 2ff7e9595c

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